Tabula Rasa is the undergraduate philosophy journal of the Claremont Colleges, founded in December 2020. Tabula Rasa is published biannually and includes both written pieces and artwork within the realm of philosophy. In creating and publishing Tabula Rasa, we hope to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and creative work among undergraduate students interested in philosophy.

MASTHEAD –  Spring 2023

Sam Hernandez (Pomona ‘24)

Managing Editor
Maya von Hippel (Pomona ‘24)

Senior Editors
Sophie Krop (Pitzer ‘24)
Soo Bin Cho (Pomona ‘23)
Phillip Kong (Pomona ‘24)
Hannah Frasure (Pomona ‘24)
Audrey Strevey (Pomona ‘25)

Senior Art Editor
Fangzhangyi (Kylie) Chen (CMC ‘23)

Layout Editor and Web Designer
Nhi-Ha Le (Pomona ‘26)
Maggie Zhang (Pomona ‘26)

Staff Writers
Amrit Bajwa (Pomona ‘26)
Andrew Kim (Pomona ‘26)
Hannah Frasure (Pomona ‘24)
Sydney Armstrong (Pitzer ‘25)

Resident Artists
Joshua Suh (Pomona ‘23)
Jadyn Lee (Scripps ‘24)
Charles Becker (Pomona ‘23)
Adrian Flynn (CMC ‘25)

Tabula rasa (/’,täb(y)oolə ‘räzə/) is the Latin term for “blank slate.” In philosophy, the term is associated with John Locke’s theory that individuals are born without innate mental content, and so knowledge is gained exclusively through sensory experience and perception.