The Claremont Colleges philosophy journal since 2021

Features Spring 2021


Winner of Art Prize
Tarini Gandhi, Pomona ‘21

Bearer of Light ︎

Jackson Kinder, Pomona ‘21
This piece was inspired by bell hooks’ seminal work "All About Love." I sought to explore the question: what might a Love Ethic sound like? What sonic components can offer insight into hooks’ groundbreaking ideas

Untitled No. 19

Ian Baime, Claremont McKenna ‘24

On Universities and Heterotopias

Winner of Writing Prize
Sanjana Bhatnagar, Pitzer ‘23
Staring into a screen for hours on end during the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve begun to dissociate. Some days, it feels as though everyone is just a square on the screen, thoughts on a forum post, or an empathetic expression in a group chat. Flattened by this two-dimensional existence, I ache for the consistent sense of expansiveness...


Tristan Latham, Pomona ‘23

Love and Infinity Within the Other

Hannah Frasure, Pomona ‘24
Humans in the 21st century face what seems to be an insurmountable, growing number of existential threats. Climate change may leave the world uninhabitable; weapons of mass destruction may render it obsolete. Regardless of what is done to prolong human-made annihilation events, the Sun—
billions of years from now—will engulf the Earth before ceasing to burn...


SeoJin Ahn, Pomona ‘23

The Moral Justification for the Practice of Tanking in the NBA

Phillip Kong, Pomona ‘24
“Tanking” in the National Basketball Association (NBA) is a highly debated topic. Certain journalists call the practice an “epidemic” while others argue that the growing acceptance of tanking is indicative of fans becoming more invested in their favorite teams. Tanking is the practice of purposefully losing in the short-term to increase a team’s chances of winning in the long-term...

Antiphon the Sophist ︎

Joshua Suh, Pomona ‘23

Click below to read the full issue.